good afternoon everyone. it is a beautiful summer day and i just returned from a fabulous day at the park with my boys. both boys are now napping and i'm sitting here listening to my classical music and writing.
i often get asked what i eat on a typical day. first of all it is always changing. i listen to my mind, body and spirit and change my daily rituals, nutrition intake etc. according to what they need. the key for me is mindfulness and planning ahead. i continue to do my wellness journal every night and that helps me assess the day and determine what i need to do (or not do)the next day.
Here is a sample of my food intake for a day. I eat everything ORGANIC!!
-Wake with the boys around 6:15ish. Mason is usually my alarm clock. Owen is a sleeper so he sleeps another hour or two.
-Take my supplements with water: probiotic, digestive enzyme (some days), pre/post natal vitamin, D3, B-12/complex. i take all whole food supplements. i take a liquid B.
-Make and drink my tea. I LOVE having my tea in the morning. i vary the teas: Green, yerbe mate, red raspberry, pau d'arco and rooibos are my regular ones. most of the time it is green and yerbe mate. i grate in fresh ginger and juice of a lemon. the daily ritual of just making my tea is so gratifying. i sip on this for the early morning.
-Yoga (9:30ish)- i do a daily yoga class at a local yoga studio. i just don't feel the same when i don't do my yoga. it centers my mind, body and spirit. this time allows me to set my intentions for the day and to become aware of the state i'm in that day.
-blended melon. lately i've been loving blended cantaloupe. i also regularly do watermelon, honeydew and papaya. they are soo yummy and delicious!!
-green juice plain or sometimes with spirulina and/or chlorella and always with my DHA supplement. i do a daily green juice and vary my greens everyday. here is what i did today: celery, cucumber, romaine, dinosaur kale, red kale, red chard, collards, cilantro (i love cilantro and it is soooo cleasing too), green leaf lettuce, beet green and apple. i make approximately 50 oz and drink it in 2 servings. i may drink half as just the juice and the other half with spirulina and or chlorella for protein, iron, CA and more!!
-out to the playground, hiking or some outdoor activity with the boys
-today i had romaine wraps with celery, variety of sea veggies (wakame, sea lettuc, kelp and more), tahini, sprinkle of himalayan sea salt. i love this wrap!! then i made an additional sea veggie salad with all the same sea veggies and just put tahini and himalayan sea salt on it, mixed it all together and ate it with a fork.
-later i may have a little raw fermented sauerkraut, avocado and nori.
i feel best when i eat light. i have the most energy and function optimally when the digestion system is working less.
i'm currently breast feeding owen and plan to for about 2 years so i have to think about both of our needs. i often add in protein smoothies made with hemp protein and almond or nut and seed milks and superfoods like bee pollen, goji berries, marine phytoplankton and more.
a sample of one of owen's little meals is a mixture of avocado, banana, udo's choice oil (fabulous blend of omega 3s, 6s and 9s with DHA) and goji juice. he eats it all up!!!
i make mason daily shakes or ice creams that include: almond milk or coconut water, fresh or organic frozen fruit, some protein (sproutein, hemp etc), some fat (avocado, nuts/seeds, udo's choice oil, hemp/flax oil etc), other superfoods (bee pollen, spirulina, chlorella, mesquite, acai, goji berries and more). he loves them- and so do i!!
Stay tuned for more blog updates on my daily menu and the fabulous foods i feed owen and mason.
Eat Smart, Move Well and Live Green
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