i have so many great things to share. raw living to me is about living simple and being present in everything i do. One aspect of living simple to me is enjoying the day to day activities of life in a new amazing way. for instance my daily ritual of preparing my green juice each morning is truly almost a meditative activity for me. i wake before all my boys, take my supplements, make my tea and then i'm ready to prepare my juice. the house is silent and its just me and the food that is going to nourish me for the day. its so soothing and it helps center me for the day. then i hear mason's little voice say, "mommy, mommy, mommy."
my friend marie, who i met in nutrition school and went to culinary school with, came to stay with me for 4 days. we are working on a manual/book for pre/post natal women and their kids in regards to nutrition and nutrient-dense recipes. it was a YUMMY few days. we created many amazing dishes and tested many recipes. it was so fabulous and fun!!! my favorite creations are our raw fermented sauerkraut and sea veggie salads wrapped in nori (picture above). i love wrapping all my salads in nori. Nori is very nutrient-dense and a great source of protein for vegans. other recipes we worked on included energy bars, nut milks, shakes, smoothies and so much more.
a simple nutrient-dense nut milk recipe that you can try is:
2 cups almond or brazil nut milk
1-2 tbsp bee pollen
1 tbsp sun warrior natural or vanilla protein powder
1 tsp mesquite
1 tsp carob
in addition to our culinary creations we also lived our raw wellness everyday. everyday we went to yoga class, did wheatgrass shots and filled our bodies with loads of green juice. i love combining my green juice with spirulina. i blend it
for just a few seconds in the vitamix and it gets a little frothy.
On to another topic: REST and RELAXATION.
Part of living my wellness includes making time for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. i got a seaweed body wrap treatment and facial at Veria Wellness Center and it was fabulous. i was very impressed with their knowledge and professionalism. it started with a complete body exfoliation which is very important to get rid of all the dead skin and toxins. our skin is a major detox organ and we need to keep it functioning optimally. next she applied the red algae and then wrapped me in a slightly heated cover. it was such a relaxing treatment. when i'm getting massages and treatments such as this i always practice silence and deep breathing. it allows me to get the most out of the experience. while my body was wrapped in the sea weed she did my facial. all organic products were used. after removing the wrap i rinsed off and then she applied essential oils. So if you are in need of some rest, relaxation and rejuvenation i suggest you get a treatment and practice being totally present during it. you will feel rejuvenated afterwards.
Finally, i started my seasonal colonic series this week. i get mine done at a local wellness center. each season i do a series of 3 colonics. one per week for three weeks. it is amazing how clean and light i feel even though i eat so well and keep my insides functioning well. colonics are not for everyone but if you have not considered them before i suggest you do some research and consider trying one. the average person carries around 5 lbs worth of stuff in their colon which causes nutrients to not be optimally assimilated. if the colon is clean you will assimilate your nutrients and get the most benefits out of what you eat.
So i suggest everyone cleanse the body and mind with some yummy green juice, daily yoga and seasonal detoxification practices (such as body wraps and colon cleanses).
Be Well and practice your own wellness daily,
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