January is almost over which means that many people's new years resolutions are starting to dissolve. i don't like the term "resolution" but no matter what you call it everyone makes new years goals, resolutions, changes etc. one of the best ways to be certain you accomplish your goals is to create daily rituals that support that long term goal or resolution. when i'm working with my patients and clients one of the most important things we talk about at each session is creating daily rituals that support the goals or changes. Daily rituals are individualized per person because each person has to look at their entire lifestyle to create daily rituals that work for them. most importantly you must enjoy and love each daily ritual.
i challenge you to take a look at your daily rituals and decide which ones are truly benefiting you and which are sabotaging your goals. but don't forget that you are not living just to reach a goal. you are living for each moment and you want to enjoy every moment of life. so create daily rituals that allow you to thrive and be happy in the NOW yet prosper in the future.
i always reevaluate my daily rituals and change them according to what is going on in my life at that time. I'm working on a few new business projects so i have reorganized some of my daily rituals to fit in time to accomplish my work goals. i've added some new wellness rituals including weekly manual bodywork, infrared sauna sessions and endermologie. i'm connecting with some amazing like-minded practitioners which always energizes me. i schedule in alone time with each of my boys because i feel that one on one time is very important.
in general my daily rituals are:
wake 5ish
drink warm water and lemon as i prepare my green juice
organize and play with the kids
sip on kombucha tea (i've been loving this lately)
work days i go to the studio to see patients and clients, other days i take mason to nursery school and have time to connect with owen, go to the market etc. i love going to the market. i can't wait for spring for the wonderful outdoor markets. even going to the market for me is a wellness ritual. i know everyone there and we are always talking nutrition and fresh organic foods and recipes.
9:30 yoga class everyday!! MY LOVE!!! it balances me mind body and spirit!!!
work days i go back to the studio to see patients and clients, other days i get work done while the boys are napping. when i'm home with the boys we always do some outdoor activity or playdate. i love getting them out in nature as often as
when i'm home with the boys this is my time to do some home-spa treatments like my avocado honey facial mask or jojoba oil hair treatment. i walk around the house with a green face!!!
prepare food with mason (owen just watches at this point) and eat a nutritious dinner
i finish eating for the day around 5pm (6 at the latest) so i have plenty of time for my food to digest which will allow me a full restorative night sleep.
get boys ready for bed, bedtime rituals
dry brushing and shower
some nights i'll do a little work
i write in my journal every night before bed.
mindful meditation- i reflect on the day and set intentions for the next day
deep breathing
to bed by 9pm most nights.
so that is an example of my daily rituals right now. if i'm working on a big project i fit in more time for work. if i feel i need more rest i will be sure to get more sleep or schedule a bliss day. you need to take responsibility for your overall wellness by creating daily rituals that nourish your needs.
Happy Daily Rituals!!! Be well, kelly
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