(sorry- i forgot to take a pic of the dressing)
before i added the dressing i marinated the broccoli and asparagus in lemon juice, sea salt and dash of olive oil and placed in dehydrator for 2 hours on 115 degrees.
1/2 c lemon juice
1/2 c hemp oil
3 tbsp rejuvenative foods tahini
1 tsp kelp
1 tsp dulse
1 cup fresh basil
1 tbsp noniland honey (my favorite honey right now)
dash of sea salt
dash of cayenne
*blend all in blender
if you know me at all you know that i'm very active. i rarely sit during the day except to drink or eat my nutrition and even then i sometimes don't sit (i'm not suggesting this is good for everyone- but it works for me most of the time).
my belief with my boys is that i want to introduce them to all types of activity and then let them choose what makes them thrive the most. two activities i truly hope my kids continue to do for a lifetime are tae kwon do and yoga. mason and owen practice yoga and rebound (jump on trampoline) with me in the morning and mason does various kid's yoga sessions. mason also has been doing karate for over a year now, did a spring break karate camp and has his yellow stripe. i love both yoga and karate for kids for many reasons but most of all for the discipline, the focus on not only the physical but the mental and spiritual aspects too and for the conditioning of the body as a whole. here are some pics from mason's karate class today:
warming up
doing push ups
butterfly stretch
back extension (high cobra)
owen reading his firetruck book while mason did tae kwon do
mason is the one all the way to the right facing the windows. here they are doing their punches.
doing side kick
end of class
after karate we sat outside to enjoy a variety of nourishing foods. i had my gynostemma tea which i can feel nourishes me!! the kids had: apples, almond butter, honey, grapes, hummus with carrots and celery and hardboiled eggs. mason had his fruit smoothie and owen had his green juice. not the best food combining but i'm not too worried about that for them.
then we were off to sidwell for mason's kaleidoscope summer camp meet and greet. wow did they have a blast- facepainting, huge sandbox, playground, basketball, sweet treats of course, bubbles and more. mason and i played some hoops while owen climbed on the monkey bars and sliding boards. here they are on the swings. mason loves flying high to outer space!! i know he is going have a blast this summer.
now its time to read books!! namaste, kelly
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