Orange Apple Green Juice
2 stalks celery
1/2 cucumber
1 apple
2 oranges
3 big handfuls of sunflower sprouts
1 big handful of broccoli sprouts
3 leaves of kale
1 handful of spinach
1 handful dandelion greens
1 handful cilantro
1 handful beet greens
2 baby bok choy
juice of 1 lemon
1 inch of grated ginger
The kids were watching The Freshbeat Band and they were making special Freshbeat Band SMOOTHIES!! Mason was sooo excited to make his smoothies the same color as the Freshbeat Band Smoothies!! Even though we make smoothies every day it was sooo much more exciting yesterday because they were "Freshbeat Band Smoothies" and not just our regular smoothies. Straws always make them more exciting too.
Mason's recipe was simple:
1 mango
2 frozen bananas
fresh coconut water
Owen's recipe was a little more exciting:
1 handful cherries
1 handful goji berries
1 handful spinach
dash of dulse
fresh coconut water
Let your kids be creative and throw what they want into the blender!!! Let's hope its something green.
On Father's Day we ventured down to the waterfront and explored the boats, kayaks, ducks and more. The boys had a blast feeding the ducks. A regular activity for mason and i this summer will be kayaking!! i hope he loves it as much as i do.
mason feeding the ducks
two boys on the doc had just caught a fish that was still alive in their hands!
On the way home i was starving so we stopped at whole foods- Brad's Kale Chips to the Rescue!!! ate the whole box easily.
Later Mason and i went grocery shopping at MOMs and i was in Kale Chip mode so i tried these Coconut Curry Kale Chips. They are on the sweet side because they have dates and coconut in them. i prefer my kale chips to be savory. i have to say that Kelly's Crunchy Cheesy Kale Chips are the best!!
Today Owen and I ventured out to a retreat center in Maryland where I will be doing some of my Raw Food and Yoga Retreats and hopefully parts of my Raw Food Immersion Program. Owen had a blast playing with the horses. The farm is only 40 minutes from Bethesda and it is a beautiful drive. it totally gets you away from everyday life in Bethesda and Washington DC. I'll keep you posted on all future events here!!
Namaste, kelly
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