i've been making a green juice and adding my exotic superfoods coconut water. This is a great after workout electrolyte replenisher!! even better is adding the chlorella tablets with this!!!
my cayenne lemon water this morning. remember this is a great way to start every day!! lemon is alkalizing to the body and the cayenne gives your metabolism and colon a kick!! i put this in my water bottle for my morning equinox workout.
this morning i made loads of juice for the family and I- apple/ginger and sprout/green. The green juices are:
sunflower sprouts
pea sprouts
dark greens: kale, chard, spinach, beet greens, bok choy
parsley, cilantro
cucumber, celery
today i did a double session at equinox- my 5am cardio/yoga session and then i returned for a training session with nancy which i love!!! she totally pushes me and i love incorporating new things into my routine!! i drank this apple, ginger, maca juice after my workout. a few minutes later i drank more green juice and ate my chlorella tablets. both maca and chlorella are amazing recovery foods!!
check out the delish salad i wrapped in nori for lunch. Owen and i feasted on loads of colorful veggies!!!
sunflower sprouts
arugula herb blend
cultured carrots and sauerkraut
red pepper
2 tbsps tahini
1 tsp miso
juice of one lemon
1 crushed garlic clove
dash of kelp
a few dashes of water
i also lightly steamed some broccoli and drizzled tahini, sea salt and nutritional yeast on it!! owen and i both love this!!
happy friday!!! i'm home with my boys for the next two weeks because my nanny is on vacay!! let the adventures begin!!!