today we did buckwheat pancakes for the boys and i always add in a scoop of sun warrior vanilla brown rice protein which makes them even more nutrient-dense!!
i challenge you to change up your green juice every day!! some days do sweet juices by adding apple, pineapple, pear, carrot or beet and other days make them savory by adding a dash of sea salt and garlic!! variety is the spice of life!!
as i'm writing this i'm munching on this huge bowl of watermelon. its my second today. so far today i've had my green juice plus extras, supplements, chlorella tablets, nourishing teas and two big bowls of watermelon!! delish!! plus a fabulous equinox workout at 5am this morning. i plan on a power smoothie later.
wednesday i had a fabulous group of women at my house for a vita-mix/raw food uncooking class!! i love sharing my home and knowledge with groups of people who want to live healthier, more energized lives!! i forgot to take pics during the event but here is my fabulous kitchen before the event.
here are all the soaked nuts and seeds for the various recipes we did.
my kitchen after the event!!
participants get to see some of my favorite products, brands etc.
i demonstrated how to make:
green juices
green simple smoothies
power smoothies
nut/seed milks
almond milk "coffee" drink
nori rolls
zucchini pasta
i pack my classes with loads of nutrition/lifestyle information so people always leave with loads of ideas and knowledge!!
get a group together or email me with topics you want to learn about and i'm happy to organize a class/workshop at my house! its also great doing them at my house because you get to see what a raw food kitchen looks like and see essential equipment, products etc..
here is the fabulous power smoothie i did after the class to nourish me the rest of the day!!
coconut water
gynostemma tea
sun warrior protein, pure synergy, barley grass, blue manna
crystal energy, ionic minerals
dulse, kelp
acai powder
Thursday was my COLONIC AND INFRA-RED SAUNA DAY!! one or two times per month i do a colonic and infra-red sauna. it is amazing how clean and light you feel after doing any detox aides but especially this combination!! if you have not explored colonics please research them and decide if its something you want to try. i highly recommend it.
Today, owen and i had a blast at mommy and me class where they made muffins!!
owen was sooo excited to help make the muffins!!
he ate 4-5 mini muffins!!
namaste, kelly
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