i posted my answers to some questions i received today on the buddha b blog so check it out.
if you have been following along you all know that i've been experimenting with the Garden of Life Raw Cleanse kit this detox. i'm typically not a fan of using additional supplements/ pills/ powders during a detox but i wanted to experiment. i'm going to change it up a little and not do the Garden of Life Raw Cleanse for the next three days and see how i feel. i plan on going extremely simple the next 3 days and then possibly start it again and see how i feel. so the plan for the next three days will be basically Green Juice all morning (after yoga of course) till mid-afternoon and then fresh fruit such as mango chunks or blended cantaloupe or possibly a small blended green smoothie- we'll see how the days progress.
today's menu included:
tongue scrape
kombucha while making green juice
Garden of Life detox powder
Garden of Life detox capsules
Green Juice with supplements
Green Juice plus wheat grass powder and pure synergy powder
Sipped on green juice while working with Raw Food/Yoga client at my house all morning
total green juice approx 50ounces
Garden of Life detox capsules
Blended Green Energy Soup- I love this soup. see below for recipe!! i demoed it today during my session with my client. i added nutritional yeast and sprinkles of sea lettuce and then dipped lydia's organic luna nori raw dehydrated crackers into it. i added a little sprinkle of nutritional yeast to almost every bite. This was a very satisfying little meal. Owen ate it all up with me too. he was green by the end of the meal!!
dry skin brush, shower
Sipping on ginger kombucha tea while i write this
meditation/deep breathing is the plan for tonight
Here is the recipe for the GARDEN BLEND SOUP
¾ cup purified water
¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juice, or ½ orange, coarsely chopped
3-4 cups chopped kale leaves, packed (or any dark leafy greens)
½ apple, chopped, or ½ small cucumber, peeled and chopped
¼ cup fresh cilantro or basil leaves. Or fresh dill weed, packed
1 ½ tbsp light miso
1 ½ tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
½ clove garlic
Pinch of cayenne pepper
½ green onion (optional)
¼ cup sunflower seeds, soaked for 1 hour, rinsed, and drained or ½ ripe avocado, coarsely chopped
¼ cup mung bean sprouts or sprouts of choice
Sprinkle of pumpkin seeds
Combine water, orange juice, kale, apple, cilantro, miso, lemon juice, garlic, cayenne, green onion (in this order) in a blender and process until smooth.
Add the sunflower seeds or avocado and process until smooth.
Garnish each serving with some sprouts and pumpkin seeds.
Use a variety of vegetables: bell peppers, celery, cucumber, tomato, romaine lettuce, spinach, zucchini.
In cool weather to warm the soup you can use hot water, blend the soup longer or place in dehydrator.
Enjoy and Namaste, kelly
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