i love watching the kids just run and play and be soooo FREE, in FLOW and in the MOMENT!! They laugh. They run. They make friends so easily. we should all live life as kids do(at least some times!!).
today was the post-detox workshop for all my Buddha B detoxers!! they did fabulous!! congrats to you all. as i said to the group today, "conscious eating is a journey." we are all on our own journey. so take one day at a time and be present with each decision you make.
i feel grateful for so many things today:
-grateful to have a career that is creative, inspiring and that truly gives me purpose in this world and gives back to the world.
-grateful to have two amazing little boys that teach me about being present and living in the moment every day. (and who of course give me even more purpose in this world!!)
-grateful to have a mother who would do anything for me and my kids and who loves and cherishes every moment spent with us!! and i cherish every moment with her.
-grateful just to be alive with so many choices every day. The ability to reach out and hug my kids and say thank you to my mom for just being who she is.
Remember, we are only here for a short time and we truly need to make the most of every moment. say and do the things you want to do. never hold back and never waste a minute. life is too short and too precious!!
Sincerely, kelly
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