i'm gearing up for another detox program and i will be detoxing with the group this time. i'm starting my detox tomorrow because i just can't wait. i've been indulging in my cashew creamery ice cream a little too much- its yummy but not optimal for nutrients and digestion. so i'm psyched to detox my mind, body and spirit. today i did a pre-cleanse day and ate very light:
water and probiotics
water and lemon
ginger kombucha tea
pau d'arco tea
water and lemon
raw fermented sauerkraut, alfalfa sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, kelp and dulse all wrapped in a nori wrap SIMPLE, FRESH AND YUMMY!!
water and lemon
later i plan to have some Yogi Detox Tea and a few hours later a Kombucha Tea.
For this 7-10 Day detox i'm also including the Garden of Live Raw Cleanse program for myself. i'm excited to try this so i can either recommend it or not for patients and clients. i'll keep you posted.
my plan for this detox includes the following:
kombucha tea
yoga class
Garden of Life Toxin Defense packet
Garden of Life- 3 capsules organ detox
green juice all morning to early afternoon with wheatgrass powder and pure synergy powder
Yogi Detox Tea
Garden of Life- 3 capsules organ detox
blended energy soups that include: veggies, sea veggies, fermented veggies, loads of sprouts, greens, probiotic powder, fresh herbs and good fats
Yogi Detox Tea
Garden of Life- Digestion and Elimination powder with 12 ounces water
Kombucha Tea
Other detox rituals i will do this week include: rebounding, colonic, tongue scraping every morning, skin brushing before my shower and lots of meditation.
i love planning my detox days!!
namaste, kelly
Thanks for sharing all your information! I totally appreciate it :) I really admire your work ethic and knowledge. Finding your blog was a blessing. Have a great cleanse!
thanks for the kind words delilah. i'm happy you enjoy it and i love inspiring others. namaste, kelly
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