added spirulina to 16 ounces of my juice this morning.
next i could focus on my boys!! we started the morning with cantaloupe and almond milk with chocolate stevia. we made buckwheat pancakes which they love! owen also ate his chlorella tablets and drank his green juice.
mason likes his pancakes in numbers- today it was "100"
owen's chlorella tongue!!
we ventured to DC today for a doc appt and decided to go to Java Green for a raw food meal. in this area there are not many places that serve raw meals so when i go to DC i take advantage and head to either Java Green or Cafe Green for a quick bite. My friend Katie accompanied me for the adventure and she was just as excited as i was for a raw food meal that we did not need to plan ahead for and make ourselves.
the first thing we had was the best- raw pizza!! sorry no pic. we both devoured it before remembering i wanted to take pics! It was a raw almond bread with avocado spread & tomato sauce, mushrooms, basil & fresh veggies. owen loved it too.
next we had the kelp noodles- Kelp Jobche- seasoned kelp noodles made with dried mushroom, dried seaweed, kale, bell pepper. It was great but too complex for me!!
last i had a little cucumber salad. it was ok but just boring to me.
The problem for me is i love experimenting with raw foods but i know that if i combine too many flavors and types of food i just don't feel good. that is what happened. my system felt overwhelmed. i do best with extremely clean simple food!! that is why i eat the way i do. but occasionally i get excited and go a little crazy. i was reminded again today to NOT do that. keeping it simple is what makes me thrive. the raw pizza was a perfect meal- i should have stopped with that!! live and learn again!!
next it was outside in the chilly weather for some soccer and digging in the dirt.
for special time tonight we painted with water colors and then mason and i played shutes and ladders.
finally, we read books about the solar system.
Another fabulous day!! kelly
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