as usual i started the day with my warm water lemon and cayenne. i also take it with me to the gym.
after taking mason to school owen and i went to the gym. he loves going to the gym. at equinox they have a kid zone which is totally cool- he loves it!! i got a great almost 2 hour workout in- the body was strong and connected. Today i did elliptical, treadmill, whole body weights, core, vinyasas and stretching. After the gym we came home to make the juice!!
in my green juice today i added lots of good stuff. i don't always add all of it to one cup. i may make an 8oz cup of green juice and add just spirulina. then make another 8 oz with herbal tinctures etc... Today i did one 16 oz batch with spirulina.
to other green juice cups i added my crystal energy, ionic minerals, ginseng and goji/schizandra.
this is my ginseng
this is my goji schizandra
i love when i'm drinking my green juice at home and i just keep adding all my "stuff"!!
Owen drank his green juice and also had banana, chlorella tablets and then made a sunflower seed and jelly sandwich on sprouted grain bread!!
he topped it all off with a little bowl of bee pollen
after picking mason up from school we snacked on mango chunks and went to the park for some bike and scooter riding and just running around having fun!! the weather was just perfect.
after the park i made a fabulous superfood nutrient-dense smoothie for myself!!
8 oz coconut water
8 oz gynostemma tea
1/4 cup blueberries
1/8 cup goji berries
1 handful spinach
2 scoops sun warrior vanilla protein
1 tbsp maca
2 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp coconut meat
1 tbsp chaga
1 tbsp reishi
1 tbsp pure synergy
1 tbsp bee pollen
1 tsp dulse
1 dropper stevia
blend it all up and enjoy!!
i made the boys a vanilla protein drink to drink as i was preparing their dinner. they loved the drink!!
almond milk
sun warrior vanilla protein powder
hemp seeds
goji berries
love this pic of owen i took tonight!!
Mason and daddy have been putting together loads of lego sets. mason is sooo excited to put this one together!!
get out and enjoy the weather this week!!
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