owen getting hit with a snowball thrown by mason
mason wearing his crown he made in French class today and gathering snow for snowballs
i love mondays because its grocery shopping day for owen and i. i drop mason at school and off to My Organic Market and Whole Foods to get our nourishment for the week!! My refrigerator is always stacked with loads of greens, sprouts, fermented veggies, avocados, sprouted nut/seed butters, superfoods and more.
in my pantry and drawers i always have my staples such as sea veggies, more superfoods, herbs and medicinal mushrooms, goji berries, dehydrated crackers, kale chips etc...
this is my wall of tinctures, minerals, flavored stevias for the boys etc..
So i did not get to make my pad thai this weekend but it will be coming soon- i promise. Today i feasted on my delicious and nutrient-dense sprout salad and kale chips. Owen and I had a quiet lunch listening to classical music and discussing the colors of his trucks- there was no other place i would have rather been!!
i started with sunflower sprouts
added fermented veggies- kim chi
owen eating the kim chi out of the jar before i could get it in his bowl
added sea veggies- kelp and dulse
added tahini- the only brand of tahini i'll eat is rejuvenative foods!! love it!!
ate my sprout salad with a bowl of kale chips- ok- three small bowls of kale chips
owen eating his second bowl of kale chips
the complete meal
owen helping me vacuum after our lunch- kale chips are sooo messy!!
one reason i like writing my blog is to inspire you to try new foods and prepare them in new and different ways. don't be afraid to introduce foods to your kids because you never know what they will like. i want you to discover that nature's food is truly the most nutrient-dense and the most delicious. the transition from a standard american diet to clean eating can be tough but just take it day by day and be patient with yourself, your family and everyone around you. even if your kids are not ready to eat fermented veggies if they see you doing it often they are more likely to at least try it one day.
i also love writing my blog because it is another way to reflect on the day. i always smile while writing the blog and it makes me very grateful for my kids, my work, my life and soo much more. make choices daily that help you reach your long term goals and live the life you want to live!!
the next three days are busy work days and liquid nutrition cleanse days!!
have a fabulous night.
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