warm water lemon cayenne
probiotic, digestive enzymes
warm water lemon cayenne all morning
9:30 yoga at yoga fusion
i couldn't wait to eat my chlorella tablets and drink green juice. i was craving it while doing yoga!!
11-1:00 e-3 live, green juice, chlorella
2:30 supplements
3:15ish beet juice, carrot/ginger juice
4:30-5 carrot/ginger juice
7:30 drank my kombucha while playing monopoly with boys
when my "work day" is done my responsibilities as mom start. i open the door and its time to be there for my boys. days that i work i make the time we do spend together all about quality. so i focus 100% on the boys and taking care of their needs- not needs like giving them a bath or getting them water (that too)- but i mean needs as in truly listening to what they are saying. being present in the moment. letting them know that i'm there and love being there!! giving them attention and loads of encouragement!! every night we do "special time" where they get to choose any activity for me to do with them and i need to totally immerse myself in that activity. This gives them the opportunity to know that they have me all to themselves at least for that 30 minutes. tonight we played monopoly!! mason loves that game!!
the boys playing with their new remote control cars!!
as their mom i'm there to encourage them to be the best people they can be. i'm their biggest fan and i want them to know that no matter what is going on in life i'm always there. i'm very conscious of every action i do around them and every statement i make. i want them to experience mistakes and learn from them. i want them to be independent thinkers!! there are soooo many things i want for them.
i take advantage of every moment possible with them. i'm grateful to have the opportunity to raise my two little boys and see them develop from day to day.
it is amazing being a mom!! thanks mason and owen!!
no matter what happens in your day be present with your kids when you get home. some days you may need to take a few deep breaths before walking in the door but just take a moment and remember that they just want our attention- give them your full attention and they will feel encouraged as they go to bed.
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