Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Blissful Day

Good Morning,

Monday was an amazing blissful day for me. i love all forms of movement; yoga, gyrotonic, pilates, biking, hiking etc. i just love moving my body and being active. monday was filled with movement. this was my day:

i woke around 5ish to drink my tea and make my green juice. i included loads of cleansing greens like cilantro and parsley.

the boys woke around 6:30ish. i love the mornings with the boys. We started the day by making mason his nutrient-dense shake. he loves sitting on the counter and helping me put all the delicious and nutritious ingredients in the vitamix. Owen started his day with breastmilk and a mash of papaya, peaches and udo's oil.

i went to my 9:30-11 yoga class. one focus of vinyasa flow yoga is linking the breath with the movement. this is very important for everyone to focus on in daily life. we need to get optimal amounts of oxygen into the cells for our bodies to function properly. transferring the breathwork from class to daily life is one of my daily intentions.

stopped at home to drink a little green juice and pump milk for owen for later.

Next was the best part of the whole day........THAI MASSAGE!!!!!! it was just amazing. i was sooo relaxed, released and rejuvenated afterwards. The healing art of Thai Yoga Massage is an ancient and sacred system of healing with roots in Yoga, Ayurvedic Medicine and Buddhist spiritual practice. It is a unique and powerful system of Yoga Therapy, which combines rhythmic massage, acu-pressure, asanas (Yogic stretching exercises), gentle twisting, energy work and meditation. Thai Yoga Massage stimulates and balances the flow of healing energy within the body, opening the areas which are blocked bringing the person deeper into balance and harmony for health, happiness and wellness of being. This system creates a powerful release of stress and tension, an increase in vitality and well-being and it deepens the connection between mind, body and spirit in both the giver and receiver.
**if you would like to know the practitioner i saw please email or call me and i will pass along their information.

monday was the last day of my 3 day GYROTONIC EXERCISE YEARLY UPDATE. The update course was saturday, sunday and monday from 2-6. during these updates we review all the exercises, experience them on our own bodies and then work on hands-on techniques to use to get people to truly feel what the exercise should feel like. the hands-on work in gyrotonic is amazing. i love taking these courses and other continuing education courses. they inspire me and give me new creative ideas. i also love spending my time with other like-minded people. i took the course with 2 other girls and i just loved the energy we all had.

So i had an amazing blissful day. i then came home and made a big smoothie with fruits, greens and vitamineral green. it was sooo YUMMY and nourishing!!!

Plan a personal day of bliss for you!!! ENJOY and BE WELL,


1 comment:

anareis said...

Querido(a) novo(a) amigo(a),estou precisando muito de novos amigos pra me auxiliarem no meu projeto. Estou criando uma minibiblioteca comunitária e outras atividades pra crianças e adolescentes na minha comunidade carente aqui na minha comunidade carente no Rio de Janeiro,eu sózinha não conseguirei,mas com a ajuda dos amigos sim. Já comprei 120 livros e também ganhei livros até de portugal dos meus amigos dos meus blogs: ,se quiser pode visitar meus blogs do google,ficarei muito contente. A campanha de doações que estou fazendo pode doar qualquer quantia no Banco do Brasil agencia 3082-1 conta 9.799-3 ,ou pode doar por correspondencia(carta),ou pode doar livros ou pode doar máquina de costura ou pode doar retalhos. Qualquer tipo de doação será bemvinda é só mandar-me um email para: , eu darei o endereço de remessa. As doações em dinheiro serão destinadas a compra de livros,material de construção,estantes,mesas,cadeiras,alimentos,etc. Se voce puder arrecadar doações para doar ao meu projeto serei eternamente grata. Muito obrigado pela sua atenção