Monday, August 13, 2007

Live Your Yoga

Yoga is more than just what you do on the mat. There are many life lessons that go along with the practice of yoga. Every class I take reminds me of ways to live my yoga. My Sunday yoga class reminded me to not anticipate what was going to happen. To experience what was happening and respond in whatever way is necessary. We often get caught up in the same old same old and forget that everyday and every experience is new. If you continue to react in the same way you will get the same results. On the mat an example of this is when you are going through a flow series you may rush through it knowing what move comes next but you really don't experience each pose seperately. You do not allow the body and mind to repond to that pose that day. Off the mat challenge yourself to not anticipate what is going to happen next. Go to lunch with a friend today and just experience each moment and allow the events of the day to unfold naturally. You never know what the day will bring.

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