Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Superfood "Coffee" Bliss!!

i'm always experimenting with new elixirs, smoothies, juices and everything to get loads of nutrients, flavor and satisfaction into me. here is a delish one i did this weekend:

2 cups spring water to make tea
tea: 1 tea bag teechino dark roast, 1 tea bag gynostemma tea
let tea chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes & add to tea:
1 tbsp reishi powder
1 tbsp chaga powder
1 tsp cacao powder
1 tbsp noniland honey
1 tsp mesquite
1 tsp lucuma
1 tbsp dandy tea
5 drops vanilla stevia
dash vanilla powder
dash cinnamon
dash cayenne
optional: 1 cup crushed ice to make it frothie

This was sooooo refreshing on the hot summer day!! 1000 times better than any starbucks drink!!!
remember, you can transform any food or drink into a healthier version. If you ever have something you really want transformed and can't figure out how to do it- send it my way. i will transform your "not so healthy" food or drink into a masterpiece that will make your body thrive.

check out the boys splurging on some yummy ice cream at the pool- the ice cream cones were bigger than them. i am ok with allowing the boys to have treats like this occasionally as long as i know that what they get in their bodies 95% of the time is whole, real, organic food- that is nutritious and delicious!! they enjoyed every bite and drip!!

have a beautiful day, kelly

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