Friday, January 21, 2011

Today's Nutrition / Pre-Detox Workshop

What a delicious day!!

Owen reaching for my KALE CHIPS!!!

Owen signing that he wants "more" kale chips!!

Owen showing me his eaten up kale chips!! he loves them!!!

woke at 4am for morning yoga practice- i see a massage therapist every tuesday who is just amazing. this week we focused on opening up my piriformis, hips, hamstrings, groin/adductors etc. this work has allowed me to go a little deeper in all my hip opening poses this week. it has been freeing and fabulous!!
water and probiotics
kombucha tea while cutting fruit for the kids
made green juice
sipped on green juice all morning and took supplements: i vary my supplements often but today i did my multi, vit c, vit d3, b-12, b-complex and omega zen dha. (all whole food supplements of course).
shopping at my organic market with owen. i honestly love grocery shopping. so many fabulous foods to fuel the body and mind!!
home to make lunch and a big batch of Kelly's Amazing Kale Chips!!
lunch started off with a few spoonfuls of raw fermented sauerkraut by rejuvenative foods. then i made a fabulous collard wrap of alfalfa sprouts, arame, hijiki, tomato, carrot and dressing of tahini, miso, nutritional yeast and sea salt.

This is my soaked arame and hijiki that both owen and i ate in our lunches. its sooo easy to make. you soak it for 30 minutes and its ready to eat.

This is my favorite brand of tahini!! tahini has loads of calcium so it should be in everyone's diet. plus it tastes fabulous.

owen ate some of my lunch and i made him a plate of quinoa, arame, hijiki, carrots and lima beans with udo's choice oil and nutritional yeast.
Made a huge batch of kale chips.
i made 5 of the bowls below.

This is the secret topping i slather on my kale chips to make them taste amazing!!!

The kale chips in the dehydrator.

owen and i ate some as i was making them. they are even good not dehyrated!! i love dipping them in extra olive oil with extra nutritional yeast.
had a nutrition phone consult and worked in office while owen was napping
off to pick up mason and go to playdate.
home for dinner
i ate kale chips right out of the dehydrator. they are the best when they are crispy and warm and they just melt in your mouth.
i was selling my amazing kale chips for a while but it got to be soooo much work. i love that everyone loves them though. i just wish some big company would buy my recipe so everyone could enjoy them all the time!!

tomorrow is the Pre 7-Day Detox workshop that will launch the 7-day detox that starts on monday. if you still want to join you are welcome to- just call or email. i have many other 7-day detox program scheduled in february and march so i will keep you updated when and where etc.

namaste, kelly

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